At the Glasgow tutor company, we strive to offer the best Maths, English and Science tutoring in the local area. We offer 1-to-1 specialised sessions to students who are finding certain subjects harder than others, or those who just want to go the extra mile with their revision. We have a range of highly trained experienced tutors who are here to help you with any area of revision you feel is needed. From algebraic fractions to text analysis, all of our tutors specialise in their specific fields and have a great depth of knowledge to help you succeed in your functional skills exams.
The functional skills qualification is extremely valuable to anyone looking for a job in the UK, as well as those seeking admission into college or university to start their dream course. This qualification is equivalent to that of a GCSE, making it recognised by most colleges and universities. Lots of employers in the UK are also looking for GCSEs in both maths and english when taking on new employees, so having this qualification by your side should increase your chances of employment. To secure this qualification, however, lots of revision is required. We have a variety of revision tools that we recommend to our students, but one of our most popular products is the functional skills maths level 2 revision cards.
The Functional Skills revision cards that are provided by our partners at MME are a great tool to use when preparing for your exams, as they condense all of the information in the syllabus into little bite-sized chunks of information that are simplified in such a way as to make them memorable so they stick in your head for your exams. Many of our students have found these cards extremely useful when revising for their exam, especially since they are small enough to carry around so you can revise from anywhere.